Bacterial tooth plaque provides the condition for caries. It is composed of bacteria and their metabolites and develops due to the decomposition of carbohydrates like sugar, sugar-containing products, flour products, e.g. pastries, potato chips etc.. Also time is an important factor because if we do not grant time for the bacteria to produce the caries supporting toxins no caries will occur. This refers to frequent brushing to reach all tooth areas. Consequently the difficult to access parts will develop caries at first and therefore such parts – the interdental spaces and all surfaces of the rear teeth – should be cleaned very properly.

If the plaque will not be removed in good time then toxins develop that will corrode and dissolve the dental enamel. At an early stage, caries may be stopped with an intensive oral hygiene and fluoridation. But if the caries already has penetrated the dentine than it will spread relatively fast towards the pulp. In this case only the dentist may help: by drilling and a filling.

Five factors contributing doe the development of caries – and what we can do to prevent them:

  • Plaque – mechanical removing
  • Bacteria – their concentration in the mouth will be reduced by plaque removing, mouth washes, and fluoridation. Additionally, a tongue toothbrush should be used to abrade the tongue. A ‘large oral hygiene at home’ should be performed once or twice a week, meaning brushing the teeth for 4-5 minutes supported by a water pick and a mouthwash.
  • Substrate – change of the nutritional habits: sweets only after the main meals
  • Time – don’t grant time for the bacteria to built-up toxins that damage the dental enamel. Therefore, brush your teeth at least three times a day!
  • Acid – the acid built up by the bacteria boosts the dissolving of the protective enamel and makes it more vulnerable. Brush regularly to avoid the development of acids.

It hugely matters to have the ‘hygiene ability at home’ reconstructed by regular professional oral hygiene sessions in our practice – at least two times a year. Because where tartar or other hard plaques exist you may care regularly and time consuming as you like but in the niches and covered areas caries may occur.

In our oral hygiene shop we provide selected products – please ask us!